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The capital of Ukraine is 80 years!

Kiev is an age-old center of slavdom, the capital of mighty Kievan Rus. In obedience to legend at the end of V - beginning of the VI centuries of our era three brothers Cue, Cheeks, Khoriv and sister Lybed' based them on steep a right save the rivers of Dnepr city and named him after an elder brother by Kiev.

On Junes, 24, 1934 the capital of Ukrainian SSR was carried from Kharkov to Kiev. Kharkov became the capital on a large account by chance, although Kharkov, certainly, so does not consider and continue to name the city "By first the capital". At the end of 1917 after the events known all Kiev appeared out of area of control of Red Army, but soviet power became stronger in Kharkov, there and proclaimed Ukraine of soviet. Officially Kharkov became the capital of Ukrainian SSR in 1919. From here the Red army took the field on all Ukraine. After collectivization, golodomora, eradications of "enemies of people" and transformation of Ukraine in "soviet paradise" there was a question about Kiev as historical the capital. A question about translation of government of Ukraine from Kharkov to Kiev decided in Kremlin and personally by a comrade by Stalin. Advice of folk commissars of UKRAINE made decision thus: to liquidate some higher educational establishments of Kiev, and to translate part in other cities in connection with the move of central party, state organizations in new the capital and by a necessity to provide them apartments. Hot in summer 1934 on the Kievan station a specpoezd arrived from Kharkov with the immigrant Ukrainian government. Of that time newspapers wrote excitedly, that the festively decorated composition was gladly met by a worker. After the short mass meeting party and soviet leaders of Postyshev, Kosior, Petrovskiy, Lyubchenko, Yakir, Zatonskiy, Shlikhter et al left on a governmental tribune, set near an opera theater, where accepted a military parade and beheld the columns of many thousands of the elated habitants of new capitals. Tell, as though here one of leaders, specifying on zolotokupol'nye temples, with a fervor exclaimed: "We will convert this monasterial city into socialistic!". In the first year of stay of Kiev in capital status all free areas of central streets were built-up, and from 1936, with beginning of general reconstruction of city, produced the compression of his central quarters and began mastering of new districts. And in 1935 - allowed the first trolleybus. The new districting was conducted in 1937: in place of five eight administrative districts were created, and in a year - ninth. In 1939 847 thousands of habitants lived in town. To 68 thousand ga broadened to beginning of Great Patriotic war of border of Kiev.

Today, on Junes, 24, 2014, Kiev celebrates the 80year, as he is the capital of Ukraine.

 A company «Triumph Sport» congratulates all Kievites and guests of the capital with this praznikom and offers  the wide choice of individual and original rewards!