The tent. Making tents.


Tents - a special team disassembled structure whose main function is protection from wind and other adverse weather conditions.


TentsMaking tentsRequest a tent


The tent is a structure consisting of an iron frame and fabric wraps. Frame assembled and disassembled as needed from a variety of parts. Textile covering worn on the frame and its bottom, attached to the ground or other surface for tension. One side of the tent "entrance", as well as on the sides, there may be openings for ventilation.

At first, as cloth, canvas used for the upper part of today use a variety of materials, from canvas with special impregnation against getting wet cloth until clear.

Initially, the tent was invented for use as temporary housing or as a protective cover for storage of various materials. Tents used by tourists during tourist trips in the mountains or just relaxing in the woods with an overnight stay.

Today, some types of tents used in advertising campaigns or for other corporate purposes. Branding will help make the tent more recognizable companies. For this purpose textile tent or tents, or on the side faces of the roof causing the logo, name and contact details of the company. For writing and imaging technology using thermal transfer, screen printing and other technologies. It is possible to apply image sizes, including the entire face.

If you need a tent or marquee for the promotions, you can order custom tailoring stalls for your size and requirements. Another "plus" of the individual order is the ability to sew fabrics suitable to their color under the corporate colors of your company.

The size of sewn products can be for standard tents and a tent designed to contain a large area.